Let Kada Frames Build Your Dream Pavilion
Our spacious designs are ready to accommodate family, friends, guests and events in any setting. We build for both personal and business uses by creating great spaces for large gatherings or weddings. Our use of massive timbers along with the time honored traditions of timber frame joinery and oak pegs create a look of durability that is also aesthetically pleasing. Let us help you create a custom outdoor living space and significantly enhance your property value with our Kada Frames Pavilion.

Timber Frame from Logs to the Pavilion You See
At Kada Frames we turn logs into the pavilion you see. Good logs make good timbers and we source the very best Southern Yellow Pine logs possible. Two Woodmizer Sawmills and countless other tools along with a great crew provide 100% of the timbers and ceiling boards on our builds. We control the process from beginning to end to guarantee quality and durability for all of our pavilions.

The Limelight Inn
Dahlonega, GA

A True Kingpost Truss Timber Frame Pavilion
We build all of our pavilions using a true kingpost truss. We use timber frame joinery including mortise and tenons, oak pegs, notches, braces and building techniques from a time long since gone. Today 99% of these types of structures that can be seen-at least in the Southeast-mimic a kingpost truss without really being one. Time honored steps have been skipped to build faster and cheaper. Strength and structural integrity can be compromised. At Kada Frames, we build all of our pavilions using the iconic kingpost truss design that is meant to last a lifetime. We believe craftsmanship still means something today.

Your Plan For Your Pavilion
Whatever your plan is for your custom outdoor living space our Kada Frames Pavilion will do the job. We started out building mainly pool pavilions and still build lots throughout the Southeast. Our fastest growing segment for our pavilions is carports. We can size for what you need or however many vehicles you are trying to cover. If your plan is for a fireplace or a kitchen setting we can build that. We offer a cutout around a fireplace or we can build right up to it. A great thing about our pavilions is these additions such as fireplaces, kitchen or walls can be done right away or in time as your budget and needs allow.
Pavilions Built To Last A Lifetime

Kada Frames Pricing & Sizes

$10,500 USD

$11,900 USD

$13,500 USD

$15,900 USD

$17,900 USD

$21,500 USD

$24,900 USD

$30,900 USD

$36,900 USD

$47,900 USD

$51,900 USD

Jackie and Jimmy Meadows
Gainesville, Ga
Mike Wilson
Brasselton, Ga
About Kada Frames

What To Expect on Your Build
Stacy Schrader
Hartwell, Ga
Alan Wingo
Murphy, NC
Rick Mages
Jefferson, Ga
Contact Us
Please reach out to us today by utilizing our streamlined online form or contact us directly via telephone.